Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, February 13, 2012

He's a big boy!!

We went to the doctor today for our organ ultrasound and all looked good! The ultrasound tech went through and showed us each organ as she found it. Sometimes I could see the organ, like the heart I could see it and it's 4 chambers, but most of the time I just watched in awe. It amazes me she can tell what everything is inside the baby and exactly how he is positioned. We did learn today that apparently our little man is not so little!! The ultrasound tech said he had a fat little stomach and then Dr. Edwards later followed that with "he's thighs aren't to tiny either." Apparently his stomach is in the 80th percentile and his weight is in the 96th percentile. We all sort of giggled about this, but then I told Dr. E I would not be delivering a 10 pound baby!!! Maybe he'll slow down just a bit, we want healthy, but a 10 pound baby doesn't sound to fun! :) Next visit will be my sugar I'll be praying I pass that on the first try! Also, on Wednesday I'll be at 20 weeks...we're half way there!!! Only 20 more weeks to we meet our precious little man!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's a boy!

This post should get us up to date!!

We went for our first, 2nd Trimester appointment on January 12th. Dr. E said we would take a peek and see if we could tell gender at this appointment. My gut feeling from the beginning was that we were having a boy, I didn't tell Waldo though. I knew he wanted a boy so bad and I didn't want to get his hopes up. So we went to the appointment very anxious. We the ultrasound tech first pulled the picture up on the TV I could tell we were getting a shot looking up at his booty and legs....and I was positive she was about to say it was a boy, it was pretty obvious! :) Sure enough she said, and I quote "there is way to much going on down there for that to be a girl," HA I think Waldo was pretty proud of that statement. Later he told me he knew it was a boy too, before she even said anything. We both wanted a boy so to say we are excited is an understatement!!

In conclusion, I'd say this particular week was one of the best of my life. First, we started the week off by watching the Crimson Tide crush LSU and win our 14th National Championship! Second, then 3 days later we got to find out we would be having a precious baby boy, plus this was the first ultrasound that really looked like a baby. And if you ask me he is the most perfect, beautiful, handsome baby boy I have ever seen!! Like I said GREAT WEEK!!!

1st Trimester Doc Visits

I feel like I should begin by telling everyone about our doctor His name is Dr. Harvey Edwards and we love him and his family. We first met Harvey while Waldo was his son's baseball coach and about a year later his wife Debbie invited us to their Sunday School class. We didn't know it at the time, but that invite was such a blessing....thanks to the Edwards we really became involved in a wonderful church and became a part of a fabulous church family! Once in the Sunday School class we would hear stories about what an amazing doctor Harvey was and if we ever decided to have kids we should go to him. Well we took their advice and started seeing Harvey, he is an amazing Christian man and his faith runs over into his practice. I'm thankful God provided us with such a Godly physician during this process! Plus he is a friend and allows me to text him with any and all questions throughout this process!!! :)

So...1st appointment:
We had our first ultrasound, all we could really see was the yoke sack....but that was enough, we knew he was there!! Then we met with Dr. E and got the Do's and Don'ts of pregnancy.

2nd appointment:
We had another ultrasound and got to see what looked like a little bitty baby. However, the most amazing part was getting to hear a little man's precious heartbeat. I could listen to his heartbeat all day, and I found that as the days went by (since I couldn't feel him and I was feeling well) I longed to hear that heartbeat. The heart rate was 150.....we then started the guessing game of girl or boy, but after much reading I've decided that was article would say girl, the next boy. I'm glad we finally know!

3rd appointment:
This appointment we just went through the normal routine....weight, blood pressure, etc. everything was good. Dr. E came back and measured my belly for the first time.....I totally forgot to ask the measurement, I was in a state of confusion because we didn't stop at the ultrasound room. I had no clue that your insurance only paid for so many ultrasounds....which I think is RIDICULOUS, come on insurance companies ease a mother's mind let her see her baby once a month!!!! Anyway, after the measurement he was like "okay see you in 4 weeks." I was like wait a minute, how do you know there is a baby in there? Do we get an ultrasound or get to hear the heartbeat or something???? Dr. E ask us if the nurse had check the heartbeat. Which of course hadn't happened (not sure why, think she just forgot). He got her back in there and she checked. I felt like it took an eternity for her to find it, and Waldo said it was the longest minute of his life and all he could think was he didn't know how he would leave with me if they didn't find the heartbeat. Thankfully she found it and all was well, around 150 again!

That pretty much sums up the 1st Trimester. Thankfully I was only sick a few times and overall I felt great! However, I was glad to see the 1st trimester go for 2 reasons....1) I was so tired all the time 2) it gets us closer to meeting our little man.....I'm anxiously awaiting his arrival!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Recap of when we found out!

I figured I'd start from the beginning....the day we found out. It was October 26th, we had been trying for about 5 months and this month I had actually gotten a positive ovulation test so I knew the chances were good. I was about a week late, however this had been normal since I came off birth control, but I had been feeling funny all week, so I knew there was a good possiblity. As soon as I woke up that morning I took a home pregnancy test....and waited what seemed like FOREVER! When that little smiley face came back I was estatic! I started telling Crim and Debo they were going to be big brothers and dancing around.....or course they looked at me like I'd lost it.....and Debo was just eyeing the pregnancy test. That's another story entirely, but lets just say he LOVES those sticks, so they better go in a trash can with a lid!

Anyway, Waldo was working at UPS and it seems like it took him forever to get home that day. I should have thought of a creative way to tell him, but I was just to excited. When he walked in the door I told him to close his eyes, then I held the test up in front of him and said open. I can't even remember what his response was, I think he ask if I was serious....I'm not sure. I know he was totally pumped and he gave me a kiss.....then automatically became protective and ask if I had called Dr. Edwards yet.

Shortly thereafter I did text Dr. Edwards who sent me to his office for blood work. My blood work came back around 5:30 that night, I remember because I got the phone call right before I walked into church. It was so wonderful to hear that sweet nurse's voice confirm that I was pregnant. Once again it seems like it took Waldo forever to get to church....but when he finally arrived I got to confirm that we were for sure expecting a baby and that we'd have our first ultrasound next week!!

To say that the Carden clan was excited or happy this day is an understatement. We had been wanting a baby so badly that I can't even describe what it felt like to have that desire become a reality. All I can say is praise the Lord, he is an amazing God, and he does know the desires of our hearts!!